using nix to build docker images

Luca Bruno has written a very complete post on how to build Docker images with Nix.

I personally find it very interesting, especially since the “normal” way of building Docker images rely on the Dockerfile mechanism, which is extremely simplistic, and doesn’t have a lot of good properties, especially around composability and reproducibility.

More specifically, one thing that’s always bugged me is the fact that all package management aspects of container building typically take place within the image that’s being created. This leads to insane patterns like very long “RUN” instructions that span package list update, install, and cleanup. This is normal though, as all those package managers are meant to manage the local machine…

Anyway, Nix is different in that it defines a system instead of making it evolve, which makes it a good fit to define a system externally. And that always gives opportunities to do things more efficiently.

Following this, I made a few changes to Luca’s approach, further overriding the package definitions to achieve:

  • removal of unneeded binaries
  • usage of su-exec instead of gosu (which, as a go binary, is not exactly slim)
  • removal of glibc, in favor of musl

This lead to a final image weighing 1.2MB. For reference, that about 13 times less than the smallest image available on dockerhub (15MB, based on alpine), and whooping 147 times less than the default one (177MB, based on debian).

I guess the main point of this whole experiment is that Docker images size is a real concern. Even though a 15MB is not a big issue in itself, at scale wasting 92% of the bandwidth used to transfer those images is more than significant…

It’s about time we start making sure this wastage can be avoided.

{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
with pkgs;
su_exec = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "su-exec-0.2";
src = fetchurl {
url =;
sha256 = "09ayhm4w7ahvwk6wpjimvgv8lx89qx31znkywqmypkp6rpccnjpc";
preBuild = ''
makeFlagsArray=(CC="${musl}/bin/musl-gcc -static"
buildFlags = "su-exec-static";
installPhase = ''mkdir -p $out/bin && cp su-exec-static $out/bin/su-exec'';
redis_2_8_23 = pkgs.redis.overrideDerivation (attrs: rec {
version = "2.8.23";
name = "redis-${version}";
src = fetchurl {
url = "${name}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "1kjsx79jhhssh5k9v17s9mifaclkl6mfsrsv0cvi583qyiw9gizk";
redis_3_0_7 = pkgs.redis.overrideDerivation (attrs: rec {
version = "3.0.7";
name = "redis-${version}";
src = fetchurl {
url = "${name}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "08vzfdr67gp3lvk770qpax2c5g2sx8hn6p64jn3jddrvxb2939xj";
postInstall = ''
rm -f $out/bin/redis-{benchmark,check-aof,check-dump,cli}
redis_3_0_7_musl = redis_3_0_7.overrideDerivation (attrs: rec {
version = "3.0.7-mini";
preBuild = ''
CC="${musl}/bin/musl-gcc -static"
redisImage = redis: baseImage: dockerTools.buildImage {
name = "redis";
tag = redis.version;
fromImage = baseImage;
runAsRoot = ''
export PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:$PATH
${if baseImage == null then dockerTools.shadowSetup else ""}
groupadd -r redis
useradd -r -g redis -d /data -M redis
mkdir /data
chown redis:redis /data
config = {
Cmd = [ "${su_exec}/bin/su-exec" "redis" "${redis}/bin/redis-server" ];
ExposedPorts = {
"6379/tcp" = {};
WorkingDir = "/data";
Volumes = {
"/data" = {};
debianImage = dockerTools.pullImage {
imageName = "debian";
sha256 = "08w22gx6hmmq75rybqzrxs03nzq2k39lrcj291yhsc08p9d9l9cj";
in {
redisDocker_3_0_7 = redisImage redis_3_0_7 null;
redisDocker_2_8_23 = redisImage redis_2_8_23 null;
redisOnDebian = redisImage redis_3_0_7 debianImage;
redisMini = redisImage redis_3_0_7_musl null;
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